The pelvis is the bony basin located at the inferior aspect of the trunk and through which the body weight is transmitted to the lower extremities. In women, it is adapted for childbearing. The pelvis consists of four bones: the two innominate bones, the sacrum, and the coccyx. These are united by four joints.
The innominate bones are placed laterally and anteriorly. Each is formed by the fusion of three bones: the ilium, ischium, and pubis located around the acetabulum.
The ilium is the superior bone: It has a body (which is fused with the ischial body) and an ala.
The anterior superior iliac spine gives attachment to the inguinal ligament
The posterior superior iliac spine marks the level of the second sacral vertebra. Its presence is indicated by a dimple in the overlying skin
The iliac crest extends from the anterior superior iliac spine to the posterior superior iliac spine
The ischium consists of a body in which the superior and inferior rami merge.
The body forms part of the acetabulum
The superior ramus is posterior and inferior to the body
The inferior ramus fuses with the inferior ramus of the pubis
The ischial spine separates the greater sciatic from the lesser sciatic notch. It is an important landmark because this is the attachment for a portion of the levator ani muscle
The ischial tuberosity is the inferior part of the ischium and is the bone on which humans sit
The pubis consists of the body and two rami.
The body has a rough surface on its medial aspect. This is joined to the corresponding area on the opposite pubis to form the symphysis pubis. The levator ani muscles are attached to the pelvic aspect of the pubis
The pubic crest is the superior border of the body
The pubic tubercle, or spine, is the lateral end of the pubic crest. The inguinal ligament and conjoined tendon are attached here
The superior ramus meets the body of the pubis at the pubic spine and the body of the ilium at the iliopectineal line, where it forms a part of the acetabulum
The inferior ramus merges with the inferior ramus of the ischium
Other Anatomical Relations
The iliopectineal line extends from the pubic tubercle back to the sacroiliac joint. It forms the greater part of the boundary of the pelvic inlet
The greater sacrosciatic notch is between the posterior inferior iliac spine superiorly and the ischial spine inferiorly
The lesser sacrosciatic notch is bounded by ...