There are numerous clinical situations in which it is important to ascertain both the maturity and the health of the fetus while it is still in utero. Among these are the following:
Patients at Risk for Uteroplacental Insufficiency
Diabetes mellitus
Hypertension and preeclampsia
Renal disease
Previous stillbirth
Intrauterine growth restriction, suspected
Postterm pregnancy (over 42 weeks)
Preterm premature rupture of membranes
Multiple gestation
History of placental abruption
Chronic abruption
Maternal obesity
Abnormal maternal serum screening in the absence of fetal anomaly
Oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios
Previous cesarean section
When induction of labor is necessary
In the interests of the mother
In the interests of the fetus
Clinically detected abnormalities of the fetal heart rate (FHR)
Passage of meconium
Oxytocin stimulation of labor
Preterm labor
Slow progress in labor
Abnormal presentation
In North America, antenatal and intrapartum deaths are rare. The reduction in the perinatal mortality rate has been achieved largely by the decrease in the rate of neonatal death. The prevention of fetal death represents a major therapeutic goal, and is the reason for antepartum fetal surveillance.
Biochemical assessment of the fetus has largely been replaced by biophysical and biometric evaluation. Fetal biophysical activities are initiated, modulated, and regulated by mechanisms of the central nervous system (CNS). A fetus compromised by hypoxia demonstrates one or both of the following changes:
A decrease or cessation of biophysical activity
A significant reduction in the volume of amniotic fluid that becomes evident as oligohydramnios on sonography
The fetal CNS is exquisitely sensitive to changes in PO2. Hypoxia and its resultant metabolic acidosis produce pathologic CNS depression with changes in biophysical activity. Any biophysical response, however, has its own inherent periodicity and circadian (diurnal) rhythm. Hence, the absence of a given biophysical event may reflect physiologic periodicity, and a normal “sleep state” in a fetus must be differentiated from the comatose state of hypoxic CNS depression.
The important principle in antepartum testing, regardless of the method used, is that a normal test result is reliable in indicating present fetal well-being and is an accurate predictor of a good outcome. However, the diagnosis of fetal jeopardy, based on a single absent or abnormal biophysical event, is frequently inaccurate. Hence, in any scheme of antepartum testing, the goal must be to reduce and, if possible, eliminate the incidence of falsely positive results. This is achieved by increasing the period of observation for any single biophysical event and/or using multiple observations. The demonstration of several biophysical activities showing a normal pattern collectively negates a single abnormal ...